Reflection on the Election
I could not watch the news last evening November 4, 2008. I am on political overload. I awoke at about 2:00 AM November 5 and turned on the news to learn of our new President. Admittedly, I was sad and it took a few moments to realize that God is in control. He did not fall off His throne, but has brought us to just such a time as this. I immediately went into prayer for U.S. President-elect Barack H. Obama. I pray that the Lord will protect him physically and guide him with Godly wisdom in the days ahead.
I watched the speeches of both Barack Obama and John McCain. John McCain is such a class act. He may not have run the best campaign in the world, but he is a true man of character. During the speeches I watched as the cameras panned the audiences. Obama's audience was filled with young enthusiastic people of all colors. McCain’s audience looked like me, older and very white.
I could not understand why people did not understand Obama's Marxist views until I saw those crowds. The majority of his supporters have no real life memories of communism or socialism. Karl Marx is an obscure historic figure. The Soviet Union, the Cold War, The Peoples Republic of China, and Mao Tse-tung are only distant historic footnotes. Most were not alive or were very young when Ronald Reagan demanded, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall."
Obama has appealed to a populace that either is too young or too ill-informed to really understand what his socialist political philosophy really means. They have no knowledge of or experience of communism, socialism or the terrible conditions these political philosophies foster in any populace. It might be helpful if we got a good look into Cuba now after 49 years of communist rule under Fidel Castro. The current conditions in Cuba are Marxism at its very best.
If ever there was the possibility of the "Perfect Storm" Barack Obama discovered it; a young multi-racial populace that was very unhappy with the current President and the state of affairs in the U.S. I commend Senator Obama for understanding his constituency and speaking their language. He is a shrewd politician. Now let's pray that he has the stuff to back it up.
I can't help but wonder if John McCain didn't get up this morning and say, "Thank you Lord that I'm not President."