Charity and Poor Performance
There seems to be a strong aversion in our culture to criticism, unless of course it is the mainline media criticizing Conservatives or Christians. In many places little league baseball is played without keeping score. Apparently the parents want the children to enjoy playing the game without the disappointment of losing. They certainly do not want to bruise the children's delicate egos. Some schools do not give children grades. Their egos and confidence could be damaged by achieving a low mark or a failing mark.
Who decided it was better to protect children from failure than allow them to experience real life? Is losing a game or earning a low grade such a bad thing? Is it unloving to keep score and to give real grades in proportion to performance? Of course not! Games are won and lost because of the performance and preparation of the competing teams and players. Poor grades represent poor effort and poor preparation. Children will never be challenged to excel if they are protected from the truth. Good preparation and good performance must be rewarded and poor efforts must not be ignored.
It is not unloving to say that someone did a poor job.