Rev. Stephen P. "Gutty" Gutridge

Rev. Stephen P. "Gutty" Gutridge
This blog is my comments on current cultural and church happenings along with answers to your questions. I will make an honest effort to answer everything you ever wanted to ask about God, faith, the Bible, Jesus Christ, etc.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Nothing is as Easy as it Seems

August 1, 2010 I decided that I would build a personal website that could help in finding a new pastoral position. (I can only stay here at Stewartstown Presbyterian Church until June 30, 2011)

First task, find a web hosting company that will host my website,, for low or no cost. Solution, I posted my picture, wrote a Statement of Faith, and listed my contact email. Then I wanted to post some videos of sermons. Well, they don't offer that feature. I looked for another company that would host my website and videos for little or no cost. I found a business site but I have been unable to format my videos in a usable form. (Oh, the trials of trying to do professional web stuff with standard Micro Soft software.)

I prepared two short videos that are now on YouTube and linked from my website. I'm sure that a professional, with expensive software, and lots of experience could have done this faster. Yet, I learned so much and am proud of my accomplishment. Check it out!